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        1. Smart Drive Control Solutions!

          2022-09-22      |      Hit Count:1315

          #SanjingIntelligent Controller is dedicated to provide control drive solutions for various electric lifting desks of the smart furniture industry. With customized services, refined software algorithm control, height adjustable and other functions. Easy to understand operation, one-key lift and display the current height. And it has the advantages of smooth current, slow start and slow stop, no vibration, high-precision control, etc., which can prolong the service life of the machine. Visit us & Learn more: www.474293.com

          #PCBAdesign #EMS #Electronic
          #newenergy #EnergyPCBAElectronic #EnergyPCBA



          Tel: +86-20- 89852480 

          Cell: +86-139-2641-8276

          Fax: +86-20-89851631

          Email: suxunquan@sajzn.com

          Add:  6F, Building B1, No. 11 Kaiyuan Avenue, Science City, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
