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        1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

          2022-12-21      |      Hit Count:1857

          Merry Christmas. Good luck bells laugh for you, happy reindeer clear the way for you, safe snowflakes flutter for you, and Santa Claus runs towards you. At Christmas, #SanjingIntelligent may you feel the warmth and taste the happiness! Because of you, this Christmas is a Happy Merry Christmas.



          Tel: +86-20- 89852480 

          Cell: +86-139-2641-8276

          Fax: +86-20-89851631

          Email: suxunquan@sajzn.com

          Add:  6F, Building B1, No. 11 Kaiyuan Avenue, Science City, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
