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        1. Embedded World Exhibition 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany

          2022-05-17      |      Hit Count:1399

          Come and visit the #SanjingIntelligent team at the upcoming embedded world Exhibition&Conference 2022 in #Nuremberg. Meet us at Hall 2 Stand #152 and learn more about our world-class electronic circuit technologies and solutions live. See you in Nuremberg! 

          #embeddedsystems #embeddedworld2022 #embeddedsoftware #ew22 #EW2022 #conference #exhibition 

          #electronics #PCBAdesign #boarddesign #Electronics #EnergyPCBA

          EW 2022 Linkedin -- 220512.png


          Tel: +86-20- 89852480 

          Cell: +86-139-2641-8276

          Fax: +86-20-89851631

          Email: suxunquan@sajzn.com

          Add:  6F, Building B1, No. 11 Kaiyuan Avenue, Science City, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
