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        1. PCB Assembly: Conformal Coating

          2022-10-14      |      Hit Count:2025

          #SanjingIntelligent has advanced automated conformal coating machine & rich experience in its operation to meet various customer needs.

          Conformal Coating is the application of a protective film or layer of liquid onto a PCB, either in selected areas or over the entire assembly. Conformal coating are applied using an array of technologies such as atomized spray, airless film, needle dispense and jetting. Typically applied at 25-250 μm, it is applied to electronic circuitry to protect against moisture, dust, chemicals, and temperature extremes. 

          Welcome to contact us to obtain your customized product solution.

          #PCBAdesign #EMS #Electronics #PCBA
          #newenergy #EnergyPCBAElectronic #EnergyPCBA #SMT #CircuiAssembly #PcbaIoT


          Tel: +86-20- 89852480 

          Cell: +86-139-2641-8276

          Fax: +86-20-89851631

          Email: suxunquan@sajzn.com

          Add:  6F, Building B1, No. 11 Kaiyuan Avenue, Science City, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
